With the help of abc notation, we made it very easy to write music chords in your posts as you type π΅ππ». The abc notation is a text based music format typically used by musicians to compose, edit and distribute music tunes on the web. It also serves as a great tool for teaching, learning and sharing music. Follow along on everything you need to know about writing music in your posts. To write a tune in your post on P4, simply wrap the abc notated tune between the code blocks like this:π
X:1 T:Los Pollitos Dicen M:3/4 L:1/4 K:C G | βCβE2 G2 G | βG7βG3 G | βCβE2 C2 C | βG7βD3 D | βCβE2 G2 G | βG7βG3 G | βCβE2 C2 C | βG7βD4 | βFβF2 F2 E | βCβD3 C | βG7βB2 G2 F | βCβE4 | βCβE2 G2 G | βG7βG3 G | βCβE2 C2 C | βG7βD3 D | βCβE2 G2 G | βG7βG3 G | βCβE2 C2 C | βG7βD4 |]
abc notation is a simple yet powerful tool for noting down music tunes on the web. Those unfamiliar with it may ask why one should use abc for writing and sharing music over any other solution.
Being textual notation provides abc with many advantages, especially when it comes to comparing it to graphical tools. Below we summarise the key benefits of abc that made us to decide to support it on our platform.
An abc notation is a textual notation for noting music tunes, whereby text and characters represent notes and other musical symbols. The notation has been first introduced by Chris Walshaw in 1993, and since then has become widely used among professional musicians, music teachers, students, and simply music lovers to write and share music in our digital world πΌ π».
There is a number of datasets available that allow you to search the abc notation tunes. The largest and most popular are included below. Feel free to add more in the comments.
abc notation β over half a million tunes in abc
With the help of abc notation, we made it very easy to write music chords in your posts as you type. The abc notation is a text based music format typically used by musicians to compose, edit and distribute music tunes on the web. It also serves as a great tool for teaching, learning and sharing music. Follow along on everything you need to know about writing music in your posts.